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Names of God: Jesus says He is I Am

On June 29, 2023, I last made a video on Names of God: I AM. This time, I’m going to focus on Jesus, who made it clear He is God in His I Am statements. In the last video of I AM name of God, we looked at John 8 where Jesus confirms He is God and it got the Jewish rulers all riled up. Jesus had been teaching. The Pharisees asked Him, “Who do you think you are (John 8: 53)?” After talking about Coming from His Father and explaining that He had seen Abraham, Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was I AM.” At that point they knew He equated himself to God, so they picked up stones to kill Him. They understood perfectly that Jesus claimed to be God. Two simple yet profound words. I AM. The other times that Jesus referred to Himself as I AM He used metaphors to help them understand. Let’s look at these word pictures in this talk. The first one is in John 6. Jesus repeats over and over that He is the bread of life. The point here is Jesus had fed them the day before. 5...

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